Monday, February 28, 2011

5 Things you won't find in Denmark

There are somethings I can't help but notice that are missing from life here....

  • Chocolate Chips
Those delicous melty morsels that every mother throws into thier kids' favorite cookie.  Alas, you won't find it here. There's plenty of marzipan though. 

  • Gas-Guzzlers
The streets here are filled with bikes and pedestrians, and public transport is efficient and readily-available.
And if you do have a car, you're more likely to buzz around in a little pop can rather than fork out the money for something bigger [what some Americans might refer to as a "real car"].  But when cars cost about twice as much, and gas is the price of gold that bicycle starts looking really sexy.

  • Ziplock Bags
This one just breaks my heart. I'm a bit of a kitchen efficiency effianato, and living without ziplocks in the kitchen is a bit like asking me to play the guitar without the use of my thumbs.

    "Let's go to the 'Bucks!"
  • Starbucks.
It's true... I live without Starbucks. I've seen one in the airport, but that's about 3 hours away from where I live. Gasp!  Actually I'm not much of a fan usually, but when you're aching for something familiar, the evils of corporate America is a lot less important than my hazelnut cappicino and old friends!

  • Refried Beans.
Ay chiwawa! Yes, I have finally found pinto beans here and have mastered a home-made version, but you can forget about buying them anywhere.  And forget about finding a Taco Time, Muchas Gracias or any Mexican restaurants for that matter.  Danes are putting away a lot more roasted potatoes, pickled fish and remoulade than anything from south of the border (and so am I!).

1 comment:

  1. Amazing! Some of those are the things I miss most here in the Middle East too! I never go to Starbucks in the States... but I miss it here. Chocolate Chips and Ziploc bags are equally missed. Ahh... the world.
